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Undine (ウンディーネ, Undīne) is a Guardian ÄRM, summons a sentient being made of water to help Snow in battle by creating and shaping water. Undine is part of a rare category of guardians that have their own will.

Etymology and Origin[]

Undine is the name of the classical elemental spirit of water in alchemy. First appearing the the alchemical writings of Paracelsus, it derives from the Latin word unda, meaning "wave". Paracelsus believed that each of the four classical elements – earth, water, air and fire – is inhabited by different categories of elemental spirits, liminal creatures that share our world: gnomes, undines, sylphs and salamanders respectively. He describes these elementals as the "invisible, spiritual counterparts of visible Nature...many resembling human beings in shape, and inhabiting worlds of their own, unknown to man because his undeveloped senses were incapable of functioning beyond the limitations of the grosser elements."

Undines are almost invariably depicted as being female, which is consistent with the ancient Greek idea that water is a female element. They are usually found in forest pools and waterfalls, and their beautiful singing voices are sometimes heard over the sound of water. The group contains many species, including nereides, limnads, naiades, mermaids and potamides. What undines lack, compared to humans, is a soul. Marriage with a human shortens their lives on Earth, but earns them an immortal human soul.


After receiving this powerful Guardian ÄRM in Caldea, Undine makes her War Game debut when Snow summons her in the fifth round against Emokis. Emokis, who had grown significantly larger thanks to her Unique ÄRM, Candy House, tossed a boulder at Snow. Summoned just in time to defend Snow, Undine smashes the boulder with little to no effort and politely introduces herself to Snow. Her attention turns to Emokis and she giggles at the latter's hideous appearance. Enraged, Emokis asks Dandarshia again who is more beautiful. Dandarshia finally answers honestly, that Snow is the beautiful one. Emokis smashes Dandarshia in a single punch, saying she doesn't need an ÄRM like him as long as she has the Candy House. Undine kindly asks Snow what her orders are, who then tells her to defeat Emokis.

Undine creates a huge spout of water that destroys the Candy House which causes her to once again get angry and charge at Snow. Undine makes a small orb of water to which Emokis ask what could she do with a small thing. Undine launches the orb and it engulfs Emokis' head and stick. Snow realizes that Emokis' power is useless if she's drowning. As Emokis struggles for air, Snow tells her that if she wishes to give up to simply clap her hands. However, she stubbornly refuses to forfeit out of pride as one of the strongest bishops. Eventually, she passes out from lack of air, Undine undoes the water orb, respecting Snow's merciful nature. Emokis falls to the ground, and Pozun declares Snow the winner, earning MÄR the first victory in the fifth round.

Undine is summoned again when Snow is pitted against her former babysitter Magical Roe in the sixth round after Ginta and Alan both encourage Snow to fight to her utmost potential. After greeting Snow, Undine fulfills her orders and destroys Magical Roe's guardian, Nightmare with her Aqua Needles. Satisfied with seeing Snow finally smile, Magical Roe proceeds to destroy Undine.

In Other Media[]

MÄR Heaven: Devil of Caldea[]

Undine is an obtainable ÄRM in the game that can be used by Snow, and is available in all five classes.

  • Undine ☆ 1 - Claydon Forest/Treasure Chest
  • Undine ☆ 2 - Aunt Investigation Team Campsite ÄRM Shop
  • Undine ☆ 3 - Aunt Town ÄRM Shop
  • Undine ☆ 4 - Aunt Town ("Download Old Man")
  • Undine ☆ 5 - Caldea Island (Hidden cave near the checkpoint, treasure chest password: 5247)

