MÄR Wiki

Phantom Tower (幻影の塔, Gen'ei no tō) is a location in MÄR Heaven: Devil of Caldea and MÄR Heaven: Oblivion of Clavier. In both games, it serves as an extra dungeon, with a variety of items to be looted on many levels.

In the Video Games[]

MÄR Heaven: Devil of Caldea[]

Phantom Tower is located a small island located north of Aunt Island and east of Torneå North Island. It is only accessible by means of the Magic Ball. There is also an Earth Juggler implanted in the beach next to the entrance.

Items Available
Floor Item Floor Item Floor Item
1F None 34F None 67F None
2F Sakkuri Fruit 35F Ring Armor★4 68F None
3F Stone Cube★1 36F Earth Wave★4 69F White ÄRM
4F Nigai Fruit 37F Sealing Skull 70F Spikara★4
5F Heaven's Leaf 38F Nigai Fruit 71F Quake★4
6F Nigai Fruit 39F None 72F Power Stone★4
7F Juku Fruit 40F Random from the following:Boomerang Scoop★5

Earth Beans Ice & Water★5 Flame Ball★5

73F None
8F Sakkuri Fruit 41F Thousand Needle★4 74F Nigai Fruit
9F Nigai Fruit 42F Mehitos★4 75F None
10F None 43F None 76F Juku Fruit
11F Gymnote★3 44F Undine★4 77F Iced Earth★4
12F Python Whip 45F Nigai Fruit 78F White Stone
13F Weapon Stone★3 46F Vindälv★4 79F None
14F None 47F Ice Spikes★4 80F Random from the following:Dagger Stone★5

Dagger Bracelet★5 Jin★5 Thunder Cloud★5

15F Screw Saber★4 48F Psycho Space 81F None
16F Plants Attack★3 49F None 82F None
17F Red Leg 50F Gymnote★4 83F Electric Saucer★4
18F Balloon Bomb 51F None 84F None
19F Indra Bind 52F Trent★4 85F None
20F Random from the following:Power Stone★5

Court Stone★5 Power Ring★5 Coat Ring★5

53F White Stone 86F Earth Attack★4
21F Soul Flute 54F Nigai Fruit 87F None
22F Juku Fruit 55F Crazy Quilt★4 88F Large Heaven's Leaf
23F 13 Totem Pole★3 56F Nigai Fruit 89F Flame Ball★4
24F Bubble Launcher★3 57F None 90F None
25F Sakkuri Fruit 58F Healing Angel★4 91F None
26F Magnetic 59F Brikin★4 92F None
27F Power Stone★4 60F Random from the following:Drill Scoop★5

Serpent★5 Skeleton Bomb★5 Flame Sword★5

93F Dagger Arm★4
28F Power Ring★4 61F Electric Feather★4 94F None
29F None 62F Flying Leo★4 95F Gargoyle★5

(Take only the treasures on the 8th, 22nd, 45th, and 70th floors. Otherwise, it will be Sakkuri Fruit.)

30F Stone Cube★4 63F Deck Freeze 96F None
31F Magic Guard 64F Magic Guard 97F None
32F Alice★3 65F Life Seed 98F None
33F Slowpoke 66F Hammer Arm★4 99F None

※Items are obtained from treasure chests. However, whether or not a treasure chest appears is random.

MÄR Heaven: Oblivion of Clavier[]

