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"It's filled with the magic of millions of people, so even if you try to destroy it, it'll never crumble. All the blessings of Caldea have been here since a long, long time ago."

Magritte Cemetery (マグリット霊園, Maguritto Reien) is a graveyard that floats on a cloud in the skies above Torneå Island. It is overseen by its caretaker, Fault.

Toponymy and Origin[]

The cemetery, and its founding magician, are likely named for Belgian surrealism artist René Magritte, and its setting based on his painting, The Castle of the Pyrenees.


This ancient graveyard is made of snow clouds that are solidified with magic. Stationary above in the western skies of Torneå Island, this petrified cloud was created by the wizard Magritte to be the final resting place for all Caldeans, using magic to twist time and space itself to prevent trespassers from harming it.


Long ago, a Caldean magician named Magritte created this cemetery in the sky, designing it to be a labyrinth where time and space warp into endless loops.

MÄR Heaven: Devil of Caldea[]

When a Caldean baby boy named Fault was born, he was found to have magic powers that were suitable for protecting the cemetery. He was quickly brought there to grow up protecting it as its newly appointed caretaker.

Years later, Fault would be enlisted by a chaser named Daffy who had malicious intents. He allowed her and several other witches that she enlisted to borrow the chapel of the cemetery as their headquarters.

AKT.7 Magritte Cemetery[]

Alviss suspects Fault

Alviss suspects Fault ill intentions.

After arriving at Magritte Cemetery via the Magic Ball, Team MÄR is greeted by a boy named Fault, who states that he's been expecting them. Fault takes interest in Alviss as someone whom he can relate to due to the latter's Zombie Tattoo. He makes casual small talk with them as they follow him to the chapel, but Alviss inevitably voices his suspicion of Fault. His true intent exposed, Fault quickly ditches them in the cemetery.

MÄR is forced to navigate the maze-like graveyard on their own to the chapel entrance, where Fault expresses his envy for Alviss for having emotions that he's never experienced. Alviss angrily calls him out on his inferiority complex and engages in battle, defeating him. Fault warps away, and Team MÄR enters the chapel.

They see a woman playing an organ, and when she turns around they mistakenly believe her to be Iffy. Only when the real Iffy shows up behind them is the other woman's identity revealed: Iffy's twin sister, Daffy. She confesses to being the mastermind behind the creation of Gotchi and the appearance of the Earth Jugglers. Iffy steps forward, crying out that no one would be happy with her actions. Daffy angrily calls out her sister's hypocrisy for having also crafting a forbidden ÄRM to prolong Izune's life while grabbing Izune by her collar. She then breaks the ÄRM and drops Izune to the floor.

After Daffy teleports away, Snow holds Izune in her lap with false hope that the little fox would recover. Izune peacefully lets out one last "umo" before passing away in Snow's arms. The princess cathartically wept that ÄRMs had caused nothing but suffering. As she grieved, Babbo spoke up to give her a new perspective as an ÄRM himself. With her teammates joining consoling her, Snow gathered her strength to stand up, resolving to put an end to Daffy's scheme. Iffy gives the remnants of Izune's Holy ÄRM, Gem Life, to Snow.

AKT.9 Caldea Palace[]


As per Iffy's insistence, Alviss and Belle travel to the chapel one last time to find Fault playing the organ. Before leaving, Alviss gives Fault some advice on his outlook on his existence and what it means to live.

Strategy Guide[]

Magritte Cemetery is the first dungeon to only be accessible via the Magic Ball. It can be difficult to navigate in a blind playthrough, as there little to no clues about how to proceed unless asking Iffy or consulting a game guide.

Belle finds an ÄRM

Belle finds the Nature ÄRM, Soul Flute.

The cemetery is divided into six sections, but several of these sections act more as checkpoints. Getting lost at any point in the labyrinth will take you all the way back to the entrance, so pay close attention to which direction you need to go while you're battling monsters along the way. If you make it half way through, Fault will briefly appear to deter you from proceeding by enticing you with usage of a Wormhole that links you back to the entrance. A cutscene will allow you to "test" the Wormhole by choosing either Ginta or Belle to try it out. While it technically makes no difference who you choose, it is better to choose Belle as she will find and bring back the Soul Flute ÄRM to Alviss, whereas Ginta won't return with anything. Both this Wormhole as well as the one Fault later opens just outside the chapel doors link to the entrance and will remain in place for the rest of the game, so you won't have to navigate through the cemetery more than once.

For the first maze-section, a series of scenes will occur in which illusions of members of MÄR appear and wander in different directions. The secret is to follow the person whose illusion "appears for the first time". Since the sequence is not randomized, this is the order in which they appear: Ginta → Jack → Snow → Dorothy → Alviss → Nanashi → Alan. A raven will occasionally appear on your route, do not mind its presence and merely follow after it.

Fault defends the chapel

Fault blocking the doors of the chapel.

For the second maze-section, the same strategy and and order from the first applies here, but with a twist: some of the illusions are lacking shadows. While keeping a mental note of which illusion you need to focus on, you'll also have to check whether said illusion has a shadow. For example, if you see a sequence in which the illusions of Snow and Nanashi appear, with the latter appearing for the first time, you'll know to focus on Nanashi. Then you'll have to check if he has a shadow under his feet or not. If he does, you follow him in the direction he was going, but if he doesn't then you must instead go in the direction he came from. A raven will also appear in this maze a couple of times, but just follow it regardless of whether it has a shadow or not.

At the end of this maze, you'll reach the gate to the chapel, which is being guarded by Fault.


